Impressions of foreign graduates of the program "Methods of teaching RFL and intercultural communication"

10 Июля 2020
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The Institute of Humanities (SPbPU) keeps up to date and trains specialists in demand both in Russia and abroad. This year, the Graduate School of Language Education and Translation of the Institute had released its first Master's degree graduates in the educational program “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language and intercultural communication”. The program opens up great opportunities for those who are going to connect life with teaching Russian as a foreign language and want to promote our language and culture around the world.

As part of the program, students learn two foreign languages. The first is English, the second (optional) may be German, French or Spanish. In addition to the theory and methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, the core disciplines include language and intercultural communication, linguistic analysis and interpretation of the text, communication strategies in intercultural communication, business discourse of a foreign language and others. The program is in demand not only among Russian students, but also among international students: the list of successful graduates includes students from China, France and Algeria. The guys were happy to tell us about their impressions on the program.

Zhang XUAY (China):

"I dreamed of becoming a teacher of Russian language, because in China it is a very promising and well-paid profession. And I am glad that Polytechnic University became the platform for the implementation of my dreams. There are wonderful teachers here; they are real professionals in their field. I am grateful to the teachers of our graduate school for creating all conditions for productive study, helping us get used to Russia and enjoy its multifaceted culture. A few days ago I successfully defended my master's degree thesis, and my plans are to enter the postgraduate course at the Humanitarian Institute."

Wang LINPEN (China):

"Like most of the guys on my stream, I plan to link my life to teaching Russian. I was interested in the educational program - rich, useful, and there is nothing unnecessary. It's great that our higher school has a club for foreigners "Polylink". While studying in St. Petersburg every week we went on excursions together - we studied this book city, visited exhibitions and theatres. I will also often remember the Pancake Week at Polytech - a colorful and incredibly tasty holiday. We danced at our hearts’ desire, ate pancakes and enjoyed the bright traditions of Russian culture. If you ask me, do I advise a Master's degree program at Polytechnic University? My answer is definitely yes!”

Sabrina SADUDI (Algeria):

"I've always been attracted to Russia: there's some magic in your country. In Algeria I studied linguistics and Russian language, so my Master's degree in Russia was a logical continuation of my studies. These were amazing two years! I thank Polytechnic University for the care, for making me feel at home here, for my new knowledge and friends. Knowledge makes a person truly rich, which means that you should try to miss no opportunities to learn from the best and advance in your work of love”.