Polytechnic University Сelebrated World Health Day

10 Апреля 2023
Polytechnic University Сelebrated World Health Day

From April 3 to April 7, the Office of Public Relations and the Graduate School of Media Communications and Public Relations of the Institute of the Humanities teamed up to jointly hold an online intensive course on healthy sleep “GET SLEEP!” for students and employees within the Lepota project.

This course was timed to coincide with the celebration of the World Health Day and aimed at solving the problems of poor-quality sleep and rest. After all, sleep problems negatively affect the physical and mental state of a person, and can cause not only a bad mood, but also many diseases. For five days, useful information on how to improve the quality of sleep was published in the Polytechnic University’s and the Graduate School’s VK communities. The participants of the course learned what a chronotype is, as well as found out the ways of determining it. They also learned how stress affects our body and how to create comfortable conditions for sleep. The intensive course was attended by experts — a senior lecturer of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, a practicing psychologist Denis Nazarov and a somnologist, a chief doctor of the Center for Neurology and Sleep Medicine Natalya Belinskaya.

The online intensive course was finished with a live broadcast in the TV studio of the Polytechnic University. Viewers learned when the research on sleep started, how many hours you need to sleep in order to get enough sleep and whether we do the right thing when we sleep off on weekends for the entire sleepless week.

“The idea to create this course on healthy sleep came to us suddenly, when, as part of the educational process in one of the disciplines, we received the task to develop a project about communication. We recalled the sleepless nights of the examination periods, which are very familiar to every student, and realized that, for some reason, there are just few people who discuss the topic of sleep in the student community, despite its relevance. At the very stage of the idea development, we realized that we definitely did not want to be limited only to a training project. And thanks to our Graduate School and the Lepota project we were able to successfully hold an online intensive course and involve not only students, but also teachers into it! It was a new experience for many members of our team. We are very glad that we have attracted highly qualified experts and cool sponsors to our project. And what is more important, we have managed to explain the students how important it is to take care of your health. We hope that the celebration of the World Health Day will become a tradition at the Polytechnic University,” said Ekaterina Dyakova, 2nd year student of the Advertising and Public Relations department, the head of the student team who initiated the course. Moreover, any participant of the course could take part in the prize drawing. The winners got useful accessories for sound sleep.