Polytechnic University is in the top 10 of Russian universities in the humanities in the RUR ranking

16 Декабря 2020
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Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University entered the top 10 of Russian universities in the subject ranking in the humanities according to the RoundUniversity Ranking (RUR).

In 2020, Russia was represented by 53 universities in the RUR ranking in the humanities. St. Petersburg Polytechnic (10th in Russia and 381st in the world) was the only technical university in the top ten in the humanities. Moscow State University, ranked 65th in the world, tops the list. It is followed by St. Petersburg State University (91st place in the world).

A harmonious combination of engineering and humanities education has been in the traditions of Polytechnic University since its foundation. Today, representatives of the Institute of Humanities are actively involved in research, expert, public and educational work, develop and implement innovative teaching methods, use information technologies in teaching, publish scientific articles, and participate in professional competitions. Thus, last September five professors and researchers of HI won in the All-Russian contest “Golden Names of Higher Education.”

“The Institute of Humanities, together with other institutes, contributes to the promotion of Polytechnics in the world rankings,” says Nadezhda ALMAZOVA, Director of the Institute of Humanities. “We will continue to try to actively participate in the publication and research activities, as well as to contribute to improving the image component, which is one of the important criteria for evaluating the activities of universities. I would like to note the work of all heads of departments responsible for the quality of education, especially Anna RUBTSOVA, deputy director for science, young doctor of sciences, and associate professor Ekaterina VASILYEVA, who oversees communications with foreign students and teachers. This is the work of a very well-coordinated team, interested in the overall success.”

Prepared by the SPbPU Public Relations Office