Youth Friendship Festival. This is a large-scale event where the students present their own youth vision and understanding of the modern culture of different countries and nations of the world in close interconnection and interrelation with Russian culture and language.
Charity festival World without borders. This event is for students, children and adolescents from social institutions, and the elderly. Its goal is to show all the variety of the world around us, to broaden our horizons, to provide socialization and communication of all the participants. The festival proved the idea that there are no borders for the goodness and possibilities of a person.
Travelling seminar Youth Initiative. This is a platform for active cultural and creative leisure, communication and development of junior and senior students and participants of Harmony on the territory of the estate of the first rector of Polytech University, Knyaz A.G. Gagarin (Kholomki, Pskov region).
Socio-educational seminar Dialogue of Generations. It’s an open conversation of several generations: schoolchildren, junior students, mentors (undergraduates and young teachers) and veterans of the World War II (including the Leningrad Blockade victims). Throughout the intensive program, the students get acquainted with the past, in addition, they take care of the kids – those who will live in a common future that each of us creates.
New Year Networking. This is the final meeting of Harmony in the outgoing year. The Center's activists gather at the House of Scientists in Lesnoy to say a few words about the past year, to give presents to each other and to celebrate the end of the productive year in a friendly team.
Cross-university poetry competition PolySlam. This is a poetry competition in the form of a poetry duel. The brightest poets of Harmony – students from Polytech University and other universities – take part in the competition.
Outdoor seminar Winter Picnic. This event is for the most active students. It is annually dedicated to the Student's Day. It includes concerts, workshops, quests, team games and outdoor walks. Moreover, here one can discuss the development of the center and some bright ideas in a friendly and warm atmosphere.
This is not the whole list of all the events and contests that we are proud of. We regularly implement new activities!
New projects of Harmony:
Modern old and young generation. This project is aimed to help children and elderly people to be able to safely use the benefits of the smartphone and its apps.
Dew under the Sun. Using the language of cartoons, the project tells children and teenagers about modern heroes – volunteers – and the problems they solve.
Heroes of our Time. This project also tells about volunteering and its various fields in the form of a video interview with volunteers held in the TV studio of SPbSTU.
The Cloud of Kindness. This project is designed to help children and adolescents adapt to the digital environment, as well as develop their potential and communication skills.
Online course on social design. This four-module course is designed to help participants understand how projects are created and implemented.
Do you have your own project?
We will be happy to help you! Harmony is a space of possibilities. If you have an idea for a project, event or even the whole club in the social, educational or cultural area, let's work together on its implementation. Together we can do more!
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