The representatives of the Institute of Humanities (SPbPU) meet with Belarusian colleagues

8 Июня 2022
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On June 7, 2022, the International round-table conference Belarus and the North-West of Russia during the Great Patriotic War: a common tragedy and memory was held at the Technopolis Polytech Research Building.

The event took place due to the close professional ties and friendship that were established between the historians of the department of Social Sciences of the Institute of Humanity Sciences and Belarusian colleagues.

"We are glad that over the years we have managed to achieve mutual beneficial cooperation with leading Belarusian state scientific centers. These are, first of all, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the National Archives of Belarus. It is wonderful that today young scientists have performed successfully along with our professors," said the head of the department, Professor Sergey Vladimirovich Kulik.

The following scientific issues were comprehensively considered following the reports and discussions of the round-table conference:

- The economy of the North-Western Russia and Belarus in terms of the war;

- Power and Society. Contribution of civilians of the North-Western Russia and Belarus to the Victory. Daily routine of the war;

- Military actions. Defense of Leningrad. Operation Bagration.

- Occupation of the North-Western Russia and Belarus during the war. Collaboration. Partisan movement on the occupied territories of North-Western Russia and Belarus;

- Information and propaganda warfare on the territory of the North-Western Russia and Belarus during the war.

"Despite the fact that our belarusian colleagues performed in an online format, we held a round-table conference at a high scientific level. After all, Sergey Vladimirovich and I have recently returned from 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Archival Dialogue. The Legacy of the Party Archives (to the 95th Anniversary of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus)’ held in Minsk. Therefore, we have been using the same language for our negotiations for a long time" explained the professor of the Department, Elena Evgenyevna Krasnozhenova.

It worth noting that in May 2022 the monograph "The People and Power: Occupiers, Collaborators and Partisans on the Borderland of Belarus and North-Western Russia in 1941-1944" was published, which reflected the joint two-year work of a group of scientists of the department with the Belarusian historians within the framework of the grant of the same name of RFBR- BRFFR.