The Polytechnic University will host an International Students Project Marathon

15 Сентября 2022
The Polytechnic University will host an International Students Project Marathon

Best International Grant for PhD was organized in terms of the federal academic leadership program Priority 2030. The aim of the contest was to support the best foreign postgraduate students of our university and their tutors. The winners of the project are a postgraduate student Jan Xuan and the Associate Professor of the Higher School of Linguodidactics and Translation, Candidate of Philological Sciences Scheglova I. They initiated an idea of an international educational program Students Project Marathon.

he Marathon is organized in terms of cooperation with Hunan Institute of Technology (Hengyang, Hunan Province, China). Its goals are to advance students’ transdisciplinary skills and increase PhD graduates’ competitiveness through the participation in research and project activities. Moreover, teamwork and coaching principles are the key elements of the Marathon organization.

The student teams from Hunan Institute of Technology and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University are the main participants of the Marathon. The Associate Professor Shcheglova I. is going to coordinate PhD and master students of SPbPU, the Higher School of Linguodidactics and Translation, the Institute of Humanity Sciences. The Marathon provides an opportunity for students to work on the project The Research Competence as an Indicator of Scientific Development. The results of the project are expected to facilitate the sustainable long-term scientific cooperation in the field of academic and pedagogical research.