Representatives of the Institute for the Humanity Sciences visited Bukhara and Samarkand State Universities as part of SPbPU delegation visit

30 Мая 2022
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On June 26-27 representatives of the Institute of Humanity Sciences visited Bukhara and Samarkand State Universities as part of SPbPU delegation working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In Bukhara, there was great interest to the continuing education programs in the Humanities and to the opportunity of academic exchanges, during which a closer acquaintance with the educational programs and the research centers of the Institute of Humanity Sciences will take place.

There are more opportunities for joint work in Samarkand, since the universities have already signed a partnership agreement. In terms of this document the parties have agreed to hold a joint summer school in Samarkand in July and to organize the participation of SamSU students in the Summer School 2022 in St. Petersburg as well as to organize TEFL and TESOL workshops or continuing educational programs for teaching staff of SamSU. They also agreed to organize an academic exchange at SPbPU for a semester/the period of internship for a group of SamSU bachelors (10-15 people) studying English Philology; to set up a working group to develop a scientific research project on the issues of historical heritage of Samarkand and Leningrad/St. Petersburg with the prospect of applying for a joint Russian-Uzbek grant; to consider launching a double diploma degree program in Foreign Region Studies (online or as a joint educational program) on the basis of the SamSU Geography and Ecology Department, as well as starting online master's programs European Studies, Asian Studies, Russian Studies etc.

Eventually, it appeared to be a fruitful visit and all the goals of the delegation were achieved.