Polytechnic University Students of Humanities at the International Symposium

1 Декабря 2022
Polytechnic University Students of Humanities at the International Symposium

Jin Ping, a Phd student of the Graduate School of Applied Linguistics and Translation, took part in VI International Symposium “Traditional Culture in the Modern World. The History of Food and Food Culture of Different Nations around the Globe” which was held on November 25-26, 2022 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

She presented the report on the topic The main directions of the Chinese food philosophy. This year, more than 100 speakers from different countries took part in the symposium. They discussed issues related to gastronomic cultures, the history and traditions of food of different peoples around the globe, historical forms of food practices in terms of the cultural interaction, etc. Traditionally, the issues of the forum gather for the discussion philosophers, historians, ethnographers, culturologists, practitioners of cooking, as well as philologists and linguists.