Delegation of the Institute at the All-Russian Conference with international participation called Translation as a Profession, Science, Creativity

12 Декабря 2022
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The representatives of the Graduate School of Applied Linguistics and Translation: Director A.V. Rubtsova and Associate Professor N.E. Anosova took part in the All-Russian Research and Practice Conference with international participation called Translation as a Profession, Science, Creativity which was held in Moscow on December 7-9.

The conference is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of Moscow State Linguistic University and the 60th anniversary of the Higher School of Translation and Interpreting of Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod. It was organized on the initiative of the Consortium of Linguistic Universities and with the support of Minsk State Linguistic University, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Union of Translators of Russia, ANO Institute of Translation, Janus Worldwide and the Autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education “N.N. Gavrilenko’s school of translation didactics”. Anna Vladimirovna and Natalia Eduardovna spoke at the section Didactic Aspects of Translation on the topic of TheFeatures of Corporate Training in Specialized Translation and Foreign Language for Specific Purposes in Modern Conditions.

The presentation aroused keen interest among the colleagues from other universities (MSLU, Moscow; MSLU, Minsk; NSTU, Novosibirsk; LUNN). As part of the discussion that followed, topical issues of translation didactics and training of translators in modern conditions were discussed. In terms of the conference, there was a fruitful exchange of knowledge and experience between the professionals in the field of translation, the teachers of translation as well as the deans of translation faculties of universities of Russia and Belarus. The direction for further cooperation within the framework of scientific and educational events was also determined.