After Working Visit of Institute of Humanity Sciences’ delegation to Tashkent

26 Мая 2022
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The delegation of the Institute of Humanity Sciences (IHS) held a number of meetings in Uzbekistan to implement the projects in the field of academic and educational activities at four Tashkent universities.

Negotiations with Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE), SPbPU’s longtime partner, were the most fruitful. The cooperation of the two universities started in 2018 with the implementation of new continuing education programs. In 2021, vice-rectors and deans of TSUE studied at the advanced training program Communicative Leadership (manager - Associate Professor Zakharova I.). In May 2022, the TSUE representatives had an internship at Polytechnic University again. During the return visit to Tashkent, IHS and TSUE agreed to implement a joint educational master’s program Advertising and Public Relations, to develop a double diploma program Education Management and to hold joint sections at upcoming scientific conferences.

The first meetings took place at Uzbek State World Languages University and State Pedagogical University named after Nizami and there are prospects for new projects. The projects include a joint implementation of digital linguistics program and student exchanges at Uzbek State World Languages University and a network program on 3+1 pedagogical education at Pedagogical University.  The meeting with the administration at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek was quite fruitful: both parties were interested in different types of cooperation such as summer schools in St. Petersburg and Tashkent, internships for teachers and students, continuing education programs and joint publications.

The visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan is still in progress, there expected meetings at the universities of Bukhara and Samarkand.